refereeing process for the journal is 'double
blind' and papers are assessed by the Reviewers and Scientific Committee
against the criteria indicated in the following evaluation sheet:
Internacional de Didáctica de las Lenguas Extranjeras
Sede y dirección postal:
Departamento de Didáctica de Tel.: (34) 958 243965, Fax (34)
958 244187, Dirección URL: http://www.ugr.es/local/portalin E-mail: portalin@ugr.es |
We would be most grateful if, within two weeks,
you submit the following evaluation. Please see notes for contributors
at www.ugr.es/local/portalin. This review should provide
important, objective information both for the author(s) and the journal;
therefore, if you have any reservations please let us know by ticking the boxes
below and leaving the rest of the evaluation blank.
Please mark the boxes if you feel any of these
issues are true for you:
__ There is a conflict of interests or
issue in terms of ‘arms-length’ objectivity
__ I do not have a sufficient level of
expertise to judge the relative merits of the article
__ I am unable to complete the review in
the time allocated
Title (of
the article):
Please grade the paper by applying the
following criteria.
Unacceptable |
Acceptable |
Good |
Excellent |
Not |
The abstract states the purpose of the research, method, the principal results, and major conclusions. |
General organisation of contents in accordance with journal guidelines |
Suitability, originality, and interest of the topic and content in relation to journal scope and foreign/second language (L2) education |
Correct use of the academic language. Clarity, elegance and conciseness of style. |
Content of the introduction: justification of the study, presentation of aims and objectives |
Theoretical framework and literature review. Use of recent, relevant and rigorous bibliography |
Formulation of hypothesis, objectives and/or research questions. Identification and description of variables implied in the objectives. |
Description of the sample, instruments and the procedures for data collection, validity of the instruments used. |
Data analysis and presentation of results. Scientific rigour and depth of analysis. |
Discussion of results, relation to research questions and previously mentioned research. |
Final conclusions in relation to the objectives and/or research questions. |
Implications for language education and, if applicable, limitations of the study and future lines of research |
Global assessment (underline the suitable option)
Acceptable Potentially acceptable pending
revision Unacceptable
include any other supporting statements in terms of:
a) Main reasons for this assessment
b) Major issues to be addressed (if
c) Minor issues (if any)
d) Other observations (if any)
Thank you
again for your valuable contribution.
The Editor